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Morning Read

I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to speak with the amazingly talented Tanya Collins, so of course I jumped at the chance to ask her a few questions...take some notes, and prepare yourself to be inspired all while getting ahead of the upcoming trends.

N+N: Where does your design inspiration come from?

TC: My inspiration comes from a lot of different places, artistic vision, through nature, sunset colour palette with the greys, pinks and blues, exposure to art galleries, & other designers that you pull and piece your own vibe from. A lot of times the client will inspire you, working with a more industrial taste and using their vision to inspire you. Just being open to surroundings in.

N+N: How is your personality reflected in your work?

TC: I'm not adverse to colour, I love giving attention to colours that don't normally match. The colour- stimulation it brings, I also love white/black/grey....but some seasons can stimulate more colour.

N+N: What is your favorite space to design?

TC: I Love diversity.... from condo buildings to residential remodeling. On 3rd avenue we re-designed a classic kitchen. I even love the one of consults - I can see where their head space is at. I love people and getting into their heads and helping them find their design style. It's not about biggest profit margin.

N+N: What do you find most challenging when designing a space?

TC: Well a client is engaging you for expertise, but doesn't understand the principals to make the design work, that can be difficult and getting people on board with basic principles. Also when there is a lot of people in the project it can make it difficult to agree on a style. That's one of my strong points, I work well with a team.

N+N: Are there particular interior spaces or other designers that have influenced you?

TC: There are so many umm.. Kelly Wearstler, Jonathan Adler, and Celerie Kimble, but they are just a few of many.

N+N: What is your favorite current trend or design element right now?

TC: I'm not really a follower of trends, but I guess lighting. Lighting fixtures like Arteriors lighting and refined Sputnik, and the mobile type pendants.

N+N: What do you see trending in 2017?

TC: Greys have been in for a while now, I see that shifting, as well as gold. For Ottawa, gold is new, but it's been popular for some time. I would have to say a warmer palette, gold will stay, but a bolder colour like an ocean palette in a bolder inspiration. I think mixed periods...a clean modern look, a more refined appreciation of the time periods. An evolution of mixed periods, definitely.


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