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Playroom Goals

This is always one of my fave rooms to design- The Playroom!

Honestly I would love to say that looks aren’t everything, but that is a lie. The playroom needs to feel like home, be fun, organized, useful but throwing in style is like the sprinkles on their dessert. Let your kid pick out any donut they can they take the plain one? Or the one with sprinkles!? Exactly.


It can be anything from a little kitchenette, tent, teepee, puppet station, a canvas trailer, mini ‘tree house’… get as creative as you want.

Explore and Grow together

A place where your babe can explore, learn and grow mentally. I truly believe that encouraging the imagination helps create growth in areas of the brain that lead to leadership and creativity as an adult.

Have wooden puzzles, book shelf, magnetic or building blocks, craft bins, an art wall, a puppet making station, ‘groceries’ for imaginary play. Anything you think will get your kiddos creating and exploring. Create a quiet corner with pillows, curtains, stuffies, etc. And an area that a child can hang their art and have it displayed. Even kids need quiet time, they just don't know it, so having their play area have a spot to just chill is encouraging for them.

Furniture that doesn't hold a place in your heart....or bank account.

You'll need furniture for the playroom. Whether its a cute table

and chair combo, bean bag chairs, a mini rocker, hammock... you can have any of these things but keep in mind it's for the ankle biters so it will likely get coloured on, pulled, dragged, possibly chewed on. Are you ok with any of those furniture pieces getting abused? If not put it in the playroom.

Small Touches

The playroom or nook needs to be a place where your littles can work, rest and play at any given time. Make sure to add littles touches for them, a picture on the wall of them making funny faces. Make it there own.

A few last things you can add for yourself. I love having a diffuser close by, as well as some natural cleaning products and a diaper or two handy. Boogers, dirty diapers, farts…it’s all happening in that area at the same time. Cleanse the air and your nose.

A little story to make you gag- funny yet disgusting. My nephew was over at our place for one of our kids’ birthday party's, my sister and I actually watched my nephew wipe is nose on my wall… like he put his face against the wall and wiped his nose on it. It’s not all fun and games, lol there’s boogers stuck on the wall that need to be cleaned, have something handy- you’ll thank me later.

*TIP* I’ve learned (my husband gave me this wise bit of knowledge) children are more productive, and successful overall in an organized setting.

So, grab some storage bins, labels, a sharpie and check out the book The Home Edit it is the holy grail of organization for EVERY. ROOM. IN. YOUR. HOME.

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