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master it

Faux Fur for the Throw

The Master bedroom tends to be the room at the bottom of our hit list. Except isn't this where all the "magic" happens? Ok, bad joke...this isn't an episode of Cribs. But the master bedroom is where you should feel, comfortable, safe, elegant, and maybe even a touch of luxury. You don't have to buy furniture and decor at the luxurious prices, instead try these few tips and see what a huge impact this can have in your space with just a few minor changes.

The first thing you need to bring attention to is your lighting. Those typical "boob" lights that almost every home has, needs to be immediately. Nothing pretty comes from a boob light. Replace it with a hanging light, or chandelier. Wayfair and WestElm are my go to if I'm working with a budget. The Warehouse of Tiffany light is $198 on sale currently. This light alone will add glam and warmth to your master suite.

Now think of a magazine or website that had you inspired to even consider changing your room. Do you recall there being anything on the floor? Any clutter on the night stands? NO. Remember our previous post on de-clutter and the golden rule? "Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” - William Morris. We live by this rule in our home (I lie!-most/some of the time) So now take a look around your bedroom, do you need that old rocker in the corner that your now 4 year old doesn't use anymore? It's just a collector of 'sorta dirty clothes' that could be worn again, or the collector of loan socks that have yet to be reunited with their mates. Either way that is not useful. Get a cute bin that can be easily tucked under the bed or in the hall closet to put those socks in until the reunion occurs (in my house, this is never- don't get your hopes up). Replace that old baby rocker with a beautiful statement piece like a leather arm chair, suede bench, or chaise lounge.

That night stand that holds a cell phone charger, a Kobo, dirty glass of water and ear plugs...ya that table. CLEAN IT OFF. Put the useful things in a drawer and bring that gross glass to the kitchen and wash that sucker. (This little nugget of information can be used for all furniture pieces in your room that host things of unpleasantries)

Ok now lets ADD the things that will transform our bedroom from drab to fab!

FAUX FUR- errmagerd! I LOVE the fur! Fur has been a piece of luxury for centuries. As I'm a vegan I buy faux, this doesn't mean cheap, it means FAKE. You can find great faux-fur at your local PotterBarn or if you're in Canada check out Chapters these fur throws are priced affordably.

Now for your furniture. If you aren't looking to replace your furniture you can always upgrade the hardware. As I have professed my love for this store many a times, go check out they have plenty of different hardware designs to choose from.

Bedding....lets keep it simple and clean. White, white makes it look clean, even after its dirty! (yikes- my bad, sorry, this is a PG site!!) But all jokes aside, white is crisp and you can add pillows and throws and furs oh my!

The total cost approx. to go from drab to fab...... drum-roll please...... $550!

(not including a replacement chair for that rocker!)

photo credit: // // // // //

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