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the Master spa

8 essentials to creating a Master Bath that feels and looks (+ tastes) like a Spa

(for less than you’d think)

  1. Installing pot lights or wall scones that come with dimmer controls

  2. Clear toiletry clutter (it always comes back to that one word…clutter) the stuff you’ll use every day put it into containers, or use an under the sink organizer so it’s not cluttered and all over your counter space.

  3. Upgrade that shower head… a massage shower head is a solid go!

  4. Heated towels- Option 1: Heated Drawer (expensive) or Option 2: Heated Towel Rack (less expensive) on top of keeping the towels warm don’t be cheap on the towels themselves, this is an expense you won’t regret. *Tip: Roll them, don't fold them.

  5. Smell (candles for ambiance, but diffusers for the constant smell aroma as well as safety)

  6. Sound (hearing) is one of the 5 senses ( I wrote 6 senses originally, thanks Bruce Willis you had me there for a second)…so use it even in the bathroom. Invest in a Bluetooth waterproof speaker and sync it to your phone. Take some time and create a spa playlist. (Spotify is great for a playlists download)

  7. Add some greenery! A few plants or flowers can really make the bathroom feel airy and nature-esc.

  8. Tub tray. EVERY bathtub needs this. Some wine, snacks…who knows you could be in there for a while, survival mode friends….Survival. Mode.

I’ve created links to everything you ‘ll need to upgrade that bathroom whether or you're on a budget or not.

Shower Head: Sometimes these can run you a pretty penny, but today check out Houzz for a steal of deal!

Candles: these 3 links are top notch for the best candles. The first two are soy + organic and the last one is going to be the best bang for your buck: Madison Valley Candles, Pure Integrity Candles + of course Bath and Body Works

Lights: go to your local Home Depot or Lowes. You'll save money as the price is definitely right and extremely convenient. From pot lights to dimmers you'll find it all.

Towels: have your towels warming while you're soakin' in that tub + sippin' that wine. Check out the sales at Wayfair.

Sounds of the Spa: Bluetooth Waterproof mini speakers are all you need, steal of a deal at Light In the Box.

Greens: These can be purchase anywhere, from Ikea to your local flower + plant store.

Tub Tray: Grab a wood tub tray + add to that spa scene. Check out Houzz and their deasl!

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