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small Hiccup

My husband tells me I'm a "know-it-all". It's sort of the truth. (sometimes...most of the time...nope, he's was right- all the time. Even when I'm not right, I'm right... lol)

I was truly thinking I would have this masterpiece of a wall to show off to the world today...unfortunately not. Instead I have some advice.

I really wanted to install the wallpaper on my own, saves me money and I've done it before. Instead my husband would rather we just hire a pro and get it done quick and painless. Advil anyone??? This was not painless.

Let's back it up a minute. Hubby claims I'm a "know-it-all" and to just make my point quickly I mentioned to him that Gloss and Glue do not mesh well together. (Keep this in mind as you read)

Starting from the beginning. I called my normal crew to do the wallpaper job but they were already knee deep in a project already. I took this as an opportunity to grow my network and team. I reached out to another professional company who we'll call 'Oliver's Painting and Wallpaper Installation' (we've changed his name for the sole purpose that my wallpaper has yet to be hung and I don't want them to F*ck it up on purpose) Oliver comes over Thursday morning explains his process of 'prepping the wall' and goes on to paint my wall a GLOSS black. The following day Tom (his partner) comes in to apply the wallpaper and says to my husband "who painted the wall GLOSS black?!!!!"


Long story short, Oliver had to come back that day to SAND and REPAINT the wall a matte white. Tom apparently doesn't work weekends, and Oliver is already booked for today (Monday) but don't worry, they'll try and fit me in tomorrow between 9am and 12. And to make matters worse, we weren't allowed to put our TV back up on the wall and it was GREY CUP SUNDAY (I'm Canadian- this wasn't an option! RED BLACKS FOR THE WIN!!!)

Moral to this story, if you're a "know-it-all" apparently like myself...speak up! I should have piped up when I saw what was going on the wall rather than sit back and hope for the best.

Oliver & Company will not be added to my team.

Here is my fabulous wall...waiting to be rescued....

RE-Wall prep for Wallpaper

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