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There has been weeks, months even where I have so much to say, and so much information and ideas that I want you all to know...and then there are days like today. I have writers block!!! I didn't think this was a real thing. I'm here to myth bust this for you, the myth is real.

That's when I found myself asking, "what inspires me???" The answer was clear, everything. When it comes to color inspiration just take a look at your surroundings, from the varying shades of a blade of green grass, to the tints that change throughout a moving white cloud. Those pallets can help you choose a color scheme for a room or even just help in the selection process of throw pillows for your new sofa. I found this awesome site that will show you the pallet of colours found in an object that you can then use for a color scheme. Hope this helps with not only paint selection but adds some insight when selecting fabric and throws too. Check out it will actually change the way you see things...

Field of Gold

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