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I’ve been asked a lot lately “how do you do it all + with 3 kids?” I don’t even really know how to answer that. Sometimes I’m on the defence and think they’re judging me, like they are questioning if I spend enough time with my kids + family. Other times I don’t know what to say, so I respond with “Umm, thanks?” I don’t think my schedule is for everyone, a lot of my drive/energy etc. comes from a few different things, one for sure is my ADHD. I’m not going to get all medical but my brain never settles, even when I take medication. The meds, when I do decide to take them really just create a tunnel to each task that I want or need to finish. Sometimes that doesn’t even work and I literally feel like I’m walking down sewer tunnels (dry non-poop ones) and there are just so many turns and forks in my path. I start something and 10 minutes later I have another great idea or project and I haven’t finished the first one. I have so many passions and loves in this world, I don’t want to settle for just one. I want to provide the best life for my family, and if I can figure out a schedule to make it work, I’ll get it girl!

Finding balance is easy on some days, and other days I feel like I may be drowning in tasks, commitments, expectations, projects, spending time with my family, and the list goes on.

So I rely on lists. I’m a list maker.

In order to start my dream project of ‘Flipping’ a home, I made a list. It wasn’t long, but it got my wheels turning.

1. What do I want?

2. How am I going to get it?

3. Whose brain can I pick?

Voila! Enter the Sunnyside Flip. There are so many moving parts to this biatch and it took a lot of time to put everything together. . The lists are what got me started, what keeps me on track and what allows me to grow my dreams. I also have an amazing crew beside me who are continuously teaching, guiding and holding me accountable. You need a team, a tribe, a family that'll walk with you too, you definitely can't do it alone.

My last tidbit of information for you, well it's actually a life lesson. Surround yourself with good people, step away from the ones who are critical and negative because in the end who you surround yourself with will be what you become. You want to be successful, find successful friends…never be the smartest person in the room.

It all comes down to this, I believe I get one life and God gave it to me. I don’t want to waste this gift, so for all those who have asked and want a real answer… I suppose this is as close to one as I can get. I just do it, I don’t wait for anyone to approve and I don’t stop because someone says I can’t and I alot.

If you struggle with time and want more of it to take on your dreams and reach your goals, you need to check out this book. Something that I learned a long time ago, you can never read enough. A book can teach you a lot if you make time to read it. One of my favourites- The Productivity Project by: Chris Bailey. It was a really easy read and taught me a lot- even about myself.

Bookmark this blog, subscribe to the Vlog, get up + go buy this book. If you read it, you won’t regret it.

I guess this post isn’t anything other than a personal one.

Tuesday’s post will be on design…promise.


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