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Scandi-For Life

I've never had a problem with change, I mean sometimes its uncomfortable and happens spontaneously but I'm usually ok with it. When it comes to seasons, Fall is my favourite. The only problem with Fall... Winter isn't too far behind and my favourite season is gone before I've had a chance to really appreciate it and all my amazon prime fall clothing purchases. With the Scandinavian Design you don't need worry, it's definitely here to stay!!! If this is your style its one of the most strategic home styles to complete while not completely killing the vibe and moving in a cold front. Keeping your home warm, cozy yet killing the Scandi look is no easy task. Here are a few tips.

1. Simplicity. Keep it in whites, and natural colours.

2. Functionality. What is the room purpose? Stay on task and don't lose focus with all the neat pretty things you can add to the room. It will cause clutter and take away from the function of the room.

3. Minimalist. This seems simple right? Less is more concept. Except its easier said than done. Especially when you have kids, or hobbies...or your sometimes lazy like me.

A friend of a friend told me that their husband nags them about an art easel. They paint once every six months, and instead of putting it away after a paint sess. she keeps it in the living room. She doesn't have a lot of accessible storage space. I mean, I totally get it... that said friend should probably just fold up that cute little easel and store it in her master closet behind the dress shirts and pressed pants her husband never wears, he'll never know she has a new storage spot...Amiriiight??!!!

Here's a few visuals to drool over...

Pella Hedeby Design

Pella Hedeby Design


photo cred: // // // //

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