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Trending 2020

Happy New Years!!!!

I already get super excited for new trends but this year has been the best trend yet…. not only are we as humans starting to become more aware of our climate change, waste, eco friendly material but we are actually doing something about it. Thank you JESUS! The best part about it- ITS AN ACTUAL TREND for design in 2020. Now, let me say this LOUD AND CLEAR. Trends are trends and they typically fall off over a certain amount of time. This 'trend' needs to stay. I want to meet my grand-babies some day and enjoy the world around us. So lets actually just make this the ‘thing’ a now and forever.

ECO DESIGN- Yes Nashers, you heard it here. Eco Design is an actual trend for this year. But lets make it our norm- Mmm k? How is this a visual trend or a design trend? Become aware of what your products are made of. Don’t just throw out a sofa because you don’t like the look of it. One of the biggest furniture companies, West Elm, has added a new line of furniture- sustainably sourced!

Get a slip cover made- Did I just suggest a ‘custom’ element. Honestly the word ‘custom’ scares people, but really the custom slip cover will cost far less than a whole new sofa. I promise. Look for natural materials and green plants to accent rooms. Nobody truly wants a fake plant….do they? Breathe deep and be grateful, that bad boy is producing fresh oxygen for you.

Eco Design can also tap into the “shop local” trend, purchase something made by man, not machine and locally sourced material. Enjoy the imperfections the ‘one-of-kind-ness’ of the furniture piece. Sustainability and authenticity is a huge game changer.You don’t want to just fill your space with ‘things’ work slowly throughout your home, and only purchase what you need, re-purpose things you have and sell the things you don't so it doesn't just get thrown out.

BEAUTIFUL CURVES- Those who’ve been following me for sometime know Scandinavian is my top contender for favourite styles. The curves are baaaaack and everyone from vintage to Scandinavian and of course the minimalist are all on board. The character of curves adds so much to a room, whether it’s in a minimalist design concept or the typical everyday family home design with shit everywhere (thats me folks, I so badly want to be a minimalist but man it’s hard). Tyler and I were looking at a new bed…and guess what? It’s curved (and green!!!!) For real though, do it babe, DO.IT. YOLO!

*BONUS Trends*


I’ll also quickly touch on colours of 2020. I’ve never not been in-love with the colour Blush, it just make me even more ecstatic when its a trend in 2020.

Let's take it a step further and actually pair two colours up that will be making fireworks go off in your home.

Blush and Green

(don’t hate the player, hate the game)

Brown and Blue

(yeah- We're bringing sexy back)

Black on Black

(Check my nails- Baby how you feelin’? Feeling good as hell)

Not that this is a colour but Gold is still ON like Donkey Kong and Floral is just as 'in' as it was last year so girl- go get you some peonies wall paper- you still good!

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